Friday, April 24, 2009

Saying Goodbye to Friends

Thanks to everyone for a series of fabulous leaving gatherings.   Salt Ash, for the last London Book Group, was memorable for the fabulous food and clever planning by Amelia to get us a table in the best section.  I promise to be a good remote Bookclub without Borders member, and true to form we don't all have to be in one place or from time to time even read a book. 

Thanks Jo, for a lovely brunch at Garrison, just before my facial to finish off a relaxing day.  Which followed the previous night's leaving drinks at Double Club.   It is a shame I don't have any photos of most of these events, but there are many fond memories.   Thanks Premelaa for putting me up in the last days and as always cooking probably the best Indian I will eat.  

It was very sad leaving London and friends who I had got to know or know better whilst living in London.  You will all be missed.   

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bye Bye Bexley

Baljit, Pauline and me

Finished up at Bexley Council on Wednesday and was taken out for lunch by the communications team which was a nice farewell after a busy week of tidying up my project.  It was sad to say goodbye but  hopefully some will make the trek down under,  it not I  will definitely stay in touch from Oz.

Richard, Peter, Bal, Pauline and John

Thanks to John and the team for helping me help promote Bexley First and for your support and time along the way.  Good luck for the future.