Monday, March 16, 2009

Day trip to see the Potters


On a lovely sunny Sunday, last weekend I went to have lunch with Les and June Potter. My great grand mother was June's grand mother.  June is dad's cousin as her mum was his aunt (my great aunt).  That would make June and Les's children Gary, Angela and Linda my 3rd cousins and Elle-May  my fourth.  Angela's daughter Tara has just had a little girl Rose who would be 5th.  

Gary and Tracy

Sunday Lunch - Ellie, June, Les, Angela and Tracy

Denis, Gary and Tracy

We had a great roast with all the trimmings.  If any of the Potters (or extended family) visit Australia they would be made very welcome, probably with a family BBQ.

After lunch Gary gave me a lift to Colchester and I had a look at the Castle, learning about the Romans conquering the local britons and setting up Colchester as their capital in Britain.  This didn't last long as the locals about 20 years later staged an uprising led by their Leader, Boudicca - there were no Roman survivors.  Not sure if there are any blood connections going this far back ??

Colchester Castle

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